Hunter’s EDGE Cider

In South Africa, cider has always been more of a girls’ drink.

So someone had the bright idea to make a beer-flavoured cider to market to the guys.

I didn’t like it… but apparently that was just me.

To build this bold new brand we wanted to focus on the game changers, the reinventers, the trend breakers. The coolest of South Africa’s cool.

Most booze brands have a tie in to sports or parties or things like that.

We tied our brand to Identity and self-expression in a time where the new generation of South Africans were doing so themselves. And we launched at South Africa’s coolest music festival - AfroPunk - with a bold new twist to the classic festival tee.

Our manifesto spoke to the desire for self-expression. A call-out to those who dare to be different. Who dare to be themselves in a time where everyone is telling them to stay the same.


Awkward Silence Wines


Musgrave Gin Trading Post