Savanna Cider Pitch

As part of a global pitch, myself and my creative department put together the East Africa section for an official brand launch of Savanna Cider in Kenya. This required knowledge of the local market so as not to come in with the wrong tone, easily misunderstood headlines, and most importantly, to ensure both relevance and relatability within the target market.

Having being one of the lead creatives on Savanna in South Africa before making my move to Kenya, the sharp, dry, cheeky humour of the brand was something that gelled with my previous experience as well as my present personality.

From globally similar insights like those nightclub playlists that never change, to Kenya specific behaviours like everyone being late for everything ALL the time, we adapted out messaging.

Focusing on local media like the vests of bodabodas (motorbike taxis) and even a bit of witty referencing to current events like the rugby player who had seemingly disappeared with his girlfriend reporting him missing, despite him having left her blue-ticked on Whatsapp…


Musgrave Gin Trading Post


Betway TVC