TigerTail Digital Recruitment - Brand Build

A few friends and I joined forces to tackle a “Creative Hackathon” at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town.

The brief was to create a brand strategy, creative big idea, look and feel, and website for a new digital recruitment agency.

We ended up winning not only the hackathon itself, seeing our work make its way into the real world, but also the presentation award for my, if I do say so myself, engaging and entertaining delivery of our concept to the collected clients and competition.


The brand strategy we devised was centered around how recruitment, for such a people-based industry, was remarkably impersonal.

Backed up by research (and personal belief and experiences) that showed that even less talented individuals who worked well together and fitted with the culture of the workplace performed better than highly skilled individuals who didn’t…

We created a brand that was all about the cultural and personal fit, rather than just a checklist of skills.

This in turn would improve the client’s bottom line as it would result in a higher success rate of placement and role longevity for per candidate, as well as creating trust with clients.

With that strategy in mind, we used the fact that we were looking for the things that made people unique, rather than just being another CV on a pile, combined with the company name, to create our main message and call to action.


Local Ocean Conservation Brand


Branding 101 - A Startup Seminar