The Bank of Kigali, the country’s government affiliated bank, needed a rebrand to bring them into the modern age and get out in front of the competition from other African and international banks making their moves in the small country.

In a country with a culture of helping others, in an industry full of empty promises -
the new Bank of Kigali branding had to be the start of change.

Bank of Kigali

Rwanda has very distinctive and widely differing target markets. From the digital savvy group in Kigali itself to the rural towns and villages that are largely unbanked.

We wanted to build a brand that could speak simply and relatably to them all.

Our messaging needed to be adaptable. We needed emotion and call to action. We needed comms that worked on digital and on wall branding.

We also worked with the client to create new product offerings that speak to the unbanked and fit with our new brand positioning.


Branding 101 - A Startup Seminar


Snippets from other campaigns